Sunday, August 4, 2019

What I need to know

We finished today a study in our small group class over World Religions. It’s a study that was supposed to take 6 weeks, but as usually happens in our small group, took about 3 times as long. This isn’t the first time that a study has taken longer than anticipated.

It’s a side effect of the make up of our group. Because we are a group of people with a bit more wisdom (i.e., mostly middle aged). Because we are a group of people who have lots of insight and wisdom to impart (i.e., opinionated and vocal about it). We call ourselves Real People because, well, we are. Very real people. It was also the least profane and most appropriate of the names we came up with. Because we are a group of people who love Jesus and love each other, but are highly irreverent most of the time. I love connecting with these people and growing in faith alongside them.

To wrap up the study, in which we have to this point studied Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, the last world religion we spoke about today was that of Christianity.

In the discussion, the question was posed “Other than being born into a Christian family, why am I a Christian?” I really had to think about that answer for a little while to come up with the answer I wanted. 

Why am I a Christian?

I mean the immediate and easy answer is “Because Jesus.” Duh. 

But why? Why Jesus? What is it about Jesus that makes me want to be a Christian? After thinking a bit, I answered and said that what makes me want to be a Christian is that Jesus, in the way that he lived and in the way that he loved, was everything that I want to be as a person.

To love the unloveable. To empower the powerless. To see the value in those deemed without value by society or religion.

And as I thought of that concept, and as we talked about how so many people are turned off from Christianity because of Christians and the way that they act, and whether if Jesus came back today he would be satisfied with or disappointed in the Christian church, I realized that the power we have as Christians can certainly be to do good. But even more so, the power that we have as Christians can be to do harm to people that may never be repaired.

We can use our Christian faith as an open hand or as a closed fist.

We can use our Christian faith to pull people in or push them away.

We can use our Christian faith to heal or to cause further harm.

As for me, my Christian faith tells me I should love. 


Every. One. 

Not those who have a certain gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, skin color, or religion. 

Every. One. 

Not because I deem them worthy. But because God does.

Every. One.  

Each. One.

As God loves them.

As God loves me. 

In all my shortcomings and in all my failings. With my tendency to cuss too much, be too impatient, and want too much from others.

As someone said in class today, the more I know, the more I realize how little I know. He was very right, as I am discovering, the longer I walk this faith journey. But along with that, what I have learned is this…

The more I know, the more I realize that it’s okay that there is much I don’t know. 

The more I know, the more I realize how little I actually need to know.

What I actually need to know is quite simple.

Love God.

Love one another.


Every. One.

Each. One.

With Open Hand.

With Open Heart.

With Open Mind.

Love the unloveable. Empower the powerless. See the value in those deemed without value by society or religion.

Love as Jesus would love.

That’s really all that I need to know.

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