Thursday, August 23, 2018

From cradle to dorm

Three or four years ago, about this time of year, I watched a number of my friends as they were getting ready to send their children off to college. I posted around that time my observation that taking the steps to prepare your child's new dorm room is a lot like when you are pregnant and you're preparing their nursery. You are at the same time both excited and scared, not knowing quite what to expect. Being in that season myself right now, I realize just how much truth there was to my words at the time.

But I have had another realization as well in the last few days. While this is a hard time for me, because I'm going to miss Aaron so much, it is also a very happy and exciting time. But I know that this time of year isn’t a happy and exciting time for every parent. As with men and women who struggle with infertility, pregnancy and birth announcement and trips through the baby aisle can be incredibly painful. The same can be true in this season of children going off to college. I know a number of mothers who, rather than feeling the juxtaposition of sadness and happiness that goes with sending a child off to college, are instead feeling sorrow, or grief, or regret. For all of you Mamas that are feeling those feelings, because of the loss of a child, or estrangement, or something going on in your child’s life that keeps him or her from being ready to take the steps you thought they would take at the time that you thought they would take them, I see you. For all of you Mamas whose children are making the selfless decision to join the military, and while proud of them, you are equally sad that you won’t get the chance to make their new bed or to tell them goodbye in a proper manner, I see you. For all of you who are hurting at this time of year, I see you. And God sees you. And he loves you. Through it all.

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Feed my sheep

They come before me each day, the parents, and children. Frightened, ashamed, angry, or sad; sometimes all of the above all at the same time...