Saturday, July 21, 2018

Belly laughs and joy

I had the chance to hang out at Vacation Bible School last night and today. I say hang out rather than work because truthfully that’s mostly what I did. This morning the husband and the baby of the children’s minister were there. And the baby, as babies do, just started laughing about something. Just an all out, full-bodied, totally without any self consciousness, belly laugh. And it made everyone around her laugh too, because that’s what baby laughter does. When do we stop doing that? At what point do we stop enjoying the little things in life so much that we just bust out in all encompassing joy and laughter over them? Perhaps if we did that, if we laughed with all out joy when we were happy, if we cried without hesitation when we were sad, if we showed love freely when we felt it, perhaps the world would be a kinder place. I think maybe we have a lot to learn from the babies around us. So if you see me laughing about something as if I’ve lost my mind, just go with it. And maybe try it for yourself. Maybe we can start a revolution of joy.

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