I read today, with sadness, of the death of Rachel Held Evans. If you have not heard of her, Rachel Held Evans was a progressive Christian writer and speaker who has touched so many people who have been rejected by the traditional fundamental church. She said things many did not want to hear, without fear, without hesitation, and with great confidence and love. She earned the ire of many traditional and fundamental Christians, who disagreed with her theology, but in her illness and subsequent death, even those with whom she had disagreed vehemently, came forward asking for prayers for her and her family.
She touched so many, in her passion and in her love for the least of these.
I have seen so many beautiful Rachel Held Evans quotes posted today by different people on different forms of social media, and I thought what sadness it is that such a beautiful voice was silenced all too soon.
I thought of Hamilton, the amazing musical that Aaron and I had the opportunity to see the other night. I thought of the words that were sung, on more than one occasion through the musical, “You write like you are running out of time.”
Rachel Held Evans touched so many in her life, and will continue that kindom work after her death, through her beautiful words. For she too wrote as if she was running out of time. And she was. She ran out of time, far sooner than anyone, especially her husband and her two young children, would have wished.
But during her short life, she lived. Oh, how she lived. And she died, surrounded by those who loved her, both family, and her tribe of strong and loving female Christian writers, and speakers, and pastors. People who loved her as she had loved them, laying hands on her, and praying, and singing, and walking her home to the Jesus she loved so much. And whose love she succeeded in showing to so many.
We should all strive to live as did Rachel Held Evans. Speaking out for love despite what people believe or think or say. Because all of us will someday die. Some of us long before we or those we love are ready. But until then, we should live. Each day, we should live.
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