Monday, March 11, 2019

What I do know is this

In this Lenten season, we are studying the Apostles Creed both in worship and in our small group. This week we studied the first part of the Creed which reads: “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.”

Our discussion in small group yesterday involved in part what we believe about God. We have an interesting class with people of very different backgrounds which often leads to lively and though provoking conversations. Yesterday was no exception. One of the gentlemen in the class, who is a bit older, and from a different faith background, described his belief that God created the heaven and earth, as the Creed says, but also his belief that God is not directly involved in people’s lives now. He explained his thoughts that if God truly were involved in all the day to day happenings in people’s lives, how could God allow the bad things to happen that do.
It actually isn’t hard for me to understand his thought process. I don’t agree with it, but I understand it.
One of the things in this life that I understand least and struggle with most is why God allows bad things to happen. Why God lets people die who still have so much to give and are still needed so much. Why God lets people live who are far past the age and time they want to live, or lets people live who do nothing but cause harm and misery to others. Why God lets little children be tortured and abused and killed by those who are supposed to love them the most. I do not understand these things and I probably never will.
What I do know is this.
In all the darkest times of my life, when things were happening that I did not know or understand, God was there. It was then that I felt the presence of God most strongly and most clearly. It was then that God held me up when I wasn’t able to do so for myself. It was then that God sent people to stand beside me and to give me strength, comfort, and a sense of safety when I couldn’t find those things on my own.
What I do know is this.
God brings beautiful things out of the dust.  I don’t think God allows things to happen so that good can come out of it. I think God allows bad things to happen because we have been given free will and because we live in a broken world. I believe God brings good out of the bad because God is love. I believe that God does the most amazing work in us when we are hurting the most. I believe God always turns broken into beautiful.
What I do know is this.
I can look back on my life and so clearly see the fingerprints of God in the way that I have ended up where I am, with who I am, and as I am. I can so clearly see those fingerprints in the path that God is currently leading me on to live out the call that God has placed in my life. It is so obvious some days that it is almost comical to me.
What I do know is this.
God is now, and always has been, in every part of my life; those in which I welcome that divine intervention and those I do not. God is there. God has walked beside me in the worst parts of my life and in the best. God has walked beside me with pride in me, and in sorrow over the decisions that I have made that hurt myself and hurt God. God has walked beside me in my heartbreak and my brokenness. And God has walked beside me in my joy and my contentment.
What I do know is this.
I will never understand all the things that happen in this world. I will never fully understand the character of God because God is so much bigger than my human mind and my human heart can comprehend. And in my lack of understanding, there are times I will rage at God and the things that happen in this world that God allows.
But here’s what I know about that.
God is big enough to handle that. God is big enough to handle the rage. God is big enough to handle the doubts. God is big enough to handle the questions. God is big enough to handle the sorrow and disappointment when I make wrong decisions and God is big enough to lead me back onto the right path and to never stop loving me along the way.
And I know…
That when my days on this earth are done, whether that be 50 years or 50 minutes from now, my Jesus will be there to walk me home. And my Jesus will be here on earth to comfort those that I leave behind. And hold them up when they can’t stand by themselves. And surround them with people to give them a sense of strength, and comfort, and safety, and to love them through their pain until they can begin to heal.
That is what I know about God.

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