Wednesday, January 2, 2019

We can do hard things

In April of 2017, after Aaron was diagnosed with an immune deficiency after months of repeated and serious illnesses with no rational explanation, he began receiving IVIG treatments. This is a process where he went to the doctors office every three weeks, had an IV placed in his arm, and spent the next 6-9 hours receiving immunoglobulin, which effectively provided the antibodies his own body wasn’t able to make, and, through that process, was able to fight off infections his body had previously been unable to defend itself against. It wasn’t easy for him to miss an entire day of school through the last couple of months of junior year and the entirety of his senior year. But he did it. 

Because when hard things need to be done, somehow you find the strength to do them. 

The plan was to continue IVIG treatment after going to college, but issues with scheduling and providers caused his doctors to recommend a switch to subcutaneous treatments. This is a process where Aaron administers his own treatment, via the use of three small needles, a host of tubing, and a pump. He receives this treatment each week rather than every three weeks but the entire process takes between 1.5 to 2 hours rather than 6-9 and can be done at his convenience. 

His IG numbers are good, he doesn’t have to make as many frequent trips to the doctor, and he’s been well for months now. All of which is good. The downside is that he has to stick himself with needles. Three of them. In the fatty tissue of his stomach, which if you’ve ever seen Aaron, you know he has very little to none of. Because of the challenges and location, he has trouble sticking the needles in himself. Thankfully, he has made amazing friends at Rice and has a number of them who are more than willing to come poke him at any given time. He wasn’t excited about the idea of doing the treatments himself. But he has. 

Because when hard things need to be done, somehow you find the strength to do them. 

Fast forward to Christmas break. When he was coming home. With his medicine. With his tubing. With his needles. Without his friends. When the conversation came up, mostly as a joke, of Clayton sticking Aaron with needles, Kayla, a friend of Clayton’s, was present and offered to do it. In fact, she was thrilled to do it as she is interested in a medical career. So, after a training session by Aaron, and by a friend who is a nurse, Kayla has helped Aaron with his infusion the last several weeks he has been home. 

Until this week. When she was out of town.  And I needed to step up and do this. Despite my nerves. Despite my fear of hurting him. Despite my general inability to even watch when anyone, myself included, has blood taken. And you know what? I did it. With little effort and mostly little issue. 

Because when hard things need to be done, somehow you find the strength to do them. 

I was reminded of when Aaron was discharged from the hospital after a second pneumonia admission in less than 6 weeks. He was sent home with a PICC line which is essentially an IV that runs close to the heart. Each day for 10 days we had to inject IV antibiotics into the port of his PICC line. I wasn’t sure I could do it when the nurse trained us in the hospital. But I did, as did Mike. Because it had to be done. 

Because when hard things need to be done, somehow you find the strength to do them. 

How often do we have to do things we would swear we couldn’t possibly do? How often do we imagine things in life that we think we can’t possibly get through but we do? How often are we faced with obstacles we think we can’t possibly overcome but we do? How often do we face situations we are positive we can’t survive, but not only do we survive, but we thrive?

Because when hard things need to be done, somehow you find the strength to do them. 

Whatever you are facing today, have faith. You can get through it. Whatever causes you anxiety, or fear, or doubt that you can prevail, be brave. 

Because when hard things need to be done, somehow you find the strength to do them. 

And each time you do, you learn. And you grow. And you gain appreciation for the fact that you are far tougher than you ever imagined you could be. 

And you just might be a bigger bad ass than you ever imagined you could be. 

Because when hard things need to be done, somehow you find the strength to do them. 

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