Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Unexpected gifts

I passed a little girl this afternoon in the hallway of my office as I was heading to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. 

She was probably four or five. She had a blonde pageboy haircut and big round eyes. 

“Do you want a skittle?” she asked as she held up an orange skittle for me to see. 

“No ma’am, but thank you very much,” I replied. 

I don’t really like skittles and I didn’t know where all her hands had been. 

As I walked back to my office, I thought about what a gift that was that she had offered me and I felt a little sad I hadn’t taken it from her when it was offered with such generosity. 

Kids that come to the CPS office are not typically there for field trips. They are there because they are visiting their parents. Parents that they cannot live with because of issues like drug abuse, neglect, physical abuse or sexual abuse. 

I did not recognize this little girl. So I didn’t know her story. But I’m guessing she has one. I’m pretty sure she has one or she wouldn’t be in my office on a Tuesday afternoon. 

But despite her story, despite whatever abuse or neglect she had experienced to cause her to be there, she was nothing but joy. Offering her skittles to those strangers whose paths she crossed. 

I think maybe there is something to learn from that little girl. 

That no matter what you have been through, no matter how little you may have of your own to give, there’s always enough to share with those you come across. Whether you know them well, or whether you’re meeting them for the very first time. 

And when someone offers you a gift, whether it’s something you like or not or whether their hands may be dirty, you should take it with the same graciousness with which it was offered. 

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