Sunday, October 28, 2018

It’s time to be done

I have struggled to come up with the words to describe what I have felt about the hate crimes that have occurred in our country this week. I’m not one who typically struggles with words. Even when I cannot verbalize what I am feeling, I can almost always write. This has been different. 

I finally realized that sometimes there just are no words. There is rhetoric. There is lamenting. There is finger-pointing. There is grief. But the words to make sense of the things that have happened this week in our country, they just don’t exist. How could they?

How could there possibly be words to make sense of that which makes no sense. Of hatred without reason. Of harm without purpose. 

There are no words to make sense of what has happened in our country this week because there is no sense to be made. There is only hatred and ignorance and fear of those different than us. How is it that in 2018, there is still so very much hatred and ignorance and fear? How is it in 2018 that we are still struggling to make sense of the senseless? 

At what point do we come out and say I’m done trying to make sense of that which makes no sense. I’m done trying to come up with reasons why people do the hurtful things they do. I’m done trying to make myself feel better about unspeakable things that happen. 

I’m done. 

I’m done with hatred. I’m done with ignorance. I’m done with fear based on things I don’t understand. I’m done with intolerance of people who look different than me, worship different than me, speak a language different than me, identify differently than me. Imagine  done with all the things that cause all the actions that I can’t manage to bring myself to understand. 

I’m done. 

We should all be done. We should all be done with  trying to explain or justify or understand that which cannot be explained or justified or understood. We should be done. Because trying to make sense of things which should not make sense lessens all of us. It lessens us as individuals, it lessens us as a community, it lessens us as a people.

It’s time to be done.  It’s time to be done 

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